Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Motherhood Prayer

     Credit to this prayer goes to Scripture Confessions for Moms by Harrison House Vision.

Divine Protection for My Children
     God's Word promises divine protection for the children of God. Therefore, I proclaim that no evil shall come near me or my family. No plague shall come near my kids; though a thousand may fall at their side and ten thousand at their right hand, it shall not, will not, cannot come near my children.
     God's angels encamp around my kids. The angels of the Lord have charge over them to protect and keep them from danger, harm, and injury of any kind.
     Though they walk through the fire they will not be burned. If they find themselves in flood waters, they will not overtake them. Though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil, for God is with them. No weapon formed against my children shall prosper.
     God is their refuge and fortress. He will deliver them from the traps of the enemy, and He will deliver them from deadly diseases. Under God's wings they take refuge, and His truth is their shield and protection from all the dangers of this world. I plead the blood of Jesus over them, over any vehicle they ride in, over their school, and over any house or building they go into.
     They shall not fall prey to the schemes and traps of Satan. They walk with wisdom and discernment and quickly heed God's voice. My children shall live long on earth. They will fulfill the plans and purposes God has designed for them.
     Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Motherhood Prayer

Credit of this prayer goes to Scripture Confession for Moms by Harrison House Vision.

My Children Are Obedient to Authority

      My children are obedient to me, and they are quick to respond to my requests. They honor me and respect me. They are kind and considerate and are quick to repent if they ever do anything to offend me.
     Because they respect me, they do not ignore me when I speak to them but give me their undivided attention. they are not slothful in fulfilling their chores and household duties.
      As my children honor me, then I will honor them and respect them. I will never belittle or talk to them in a condescending way. I will always be looking for opportunities to tell and show them how much I love them. God will bless and honor them because they honor those who are in authority over their lives. 
     They will not give in to the temptation to be prideful or rebellious. The truth of God's Word that has been planted in their hearts is the guiding light of their lives. They have God's nature in their hearts and a pleasant disposition.Because they are obedient to me, they shall have blessed lives, and they shall live long and fruitful lives.

     Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:1-3

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Motherhood Prayer

     More prayer of Motherhood, from the booklet Scripture Confessions for Moms by Harrison House Vision.

My Children Hear God's Voice

     I proclaim that my children know God's voice and will not be deceive by the voice of the enemy. They are sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and are quick to obey His instruction, direction, and guidance. They are tuned in to the Holy Spirit and quickly recognize His voice. They are mindful not to do anything that grieves the Holy Spirit. They are diligent to spend time in prayer, to fellowship, and to worship the Lord so that they continually keep themselves in proper, spiritual condition to hear His voice.
      My children will seek God's wisdom and counsel concerning all matters of their lives. I know He will be faithful to speak to them concerning changes or corrections they need to make. I believe they will be faithful to do everything God would have them to do. He speaks to my children through His Word. As they study and meditate on the Scriptures, God's life-giving force comes alive in their hearts. God's Word enlightens their spirits and illuminates their minds. I believe that my children's union with God grows stronger every day, as well as their ability to hear his voice clearly and accurately.

       But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.
Jeremiah 7:23

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Motherhood Prayer

    Motherhood is not only about taking care of the children and the household physically, but also of taking much care of the children spiritually. Here is a prayer for the children's spiritual growth, still from the booklet Scripture Confessions for Moms, by The Harrison House Vision.
My Children's Spiritual Growth
     I speak God's Word over my children. I proclaim and confess that my children are strong in faith. God's Word is working in their lives. They have pure hearts, and they could conduct their lives with honesty, purity, and integrity. They love God's Word and desire to live honorable lives before Him.
     Favor surrounds them like a shield. They are sensitive to the holy Spirit, and they are quick to obey His voice. They are bold in their faith and want to share it with others.
     My children are growing strong spiritually, mentally, and physically. They have wisdom functioning in every area of their lives. They put God's Word first and accept it as final authority in their lives. They are careful on what influences they allow in their lives. The eyes of their understanding are opened to the truth of God's Word.
     They have godly discernment concerning the type of people they develop relationships with. They are not easily fooled or deceived and have godly wisdom beyond their years.
     They are individuals of character and principle. They are kind, loving, and giving towards others. They are not selfish or self-serving. They are quick to reach out to help others in need. They will develop into courageous, confident, and determined adults, ready to fulfill the plans that God has for them.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
John 14:26



Monday, April 11, 2011

A Mother's Prayer For Her Children

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Here is another prayer for mothers, especially for her children. Still from the booklet, Scripture Confessions for Moms.

The Greater One in My Children
 God Himself makes His home in the hearts of my children. God in them is greater than any temptation, greater than any peer pressure, greater than any sin, greater than Satan and all the forces of darkness. God in my children is greater than any problem or obstacle they might face, greater than sickness or disease, greater than sin or any challenge that comes in their lives.
He is greater than any adversity they might face. He is grater than their doubts, insecurities, or uncertainties. He is greater than fear, worry, or anxiety.
The Spirit of God lives big in them. He helps them to succeed, He puts them over, and He causes them to be victorious in their everyday lives.
God's Word gives them boldness and courage to live godly lives before their family and friends. The same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead lives in my children. The Holy Spirit quickens and brings life, strength and vitality to their bodies. My children are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. My children shall face life with confidence and a resolute, tenacious faith in God, who always causes them to triumph in life. Greater is He that is in them, than he that is in the world.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
 1 John 4:4

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Scripture Confessions for Moms Prayer

Photo Credit
     Mothers are considered the light of the house who bring enlightenment and guidance to the family. To be able to do this, the mother has to be connected with God. For busy moms here is another prayer from the booklet Scripture Confessions for Moms by The Harrison House Vision.
Godly Household
My home is a place of refuge and peace. I believe that anyone who comes into my home will feel the presence of God. I choose to honor God in my home. I dedicate my home to the Lord; I consecrate it with prayer and praise.
I am diligent and committed to monitor and evaluate the kinds of books, videos, music, and movies that are allowed to be played in my home.
In my home are riches and honor; my god supplies all my family's needs. I will work diligently to keep my house clean and beautiful so that it is a constant blessing to all my family. 
I believe my home is a safe haven, protected and kept safe by God's divine protection. I believe no evil shall come near my home, and no plague, disease, or calamity shall befall us. I believe my home is blessed and all who enter it are blessed.
My home is consecrated and dedicated to God. I will not allow activities in my home that are not honorable to God. With the Holy Spirit's help I will create and maintain an atmosphere of love, hope, and peace in my home. I believe everyone who comes to my home will sense His presence.
...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
 Joshua 24:15


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Prayer For Busy Moms

     Most moms are busy, whether working moms or stay at home moms. Like me, I am a working and a breastfeeding mom. The one problem I have being a mom of a four-year old and a four-month old is time. There are so many things I have to do. Yet, lack the time to do those things. One of these things is prayer. It is in prayer where I find strength and stability. And the lack of time to pray makes me frustrated at times. Yes, I can do it while doing something but the concentration is difficult. I am just thankful I bought a year ago a booklet entitled Scipture Confessions for Moms. The best time for me to read this is while breastfeeding my baby. Here is one prayer.

Becoming the Mother God Says I Am
I choose to glorify God in my role as a mother. I choose to live a godly life before my children. I am disciplined concerning my priorities as a mother. I manage my time in an effective and efficient manner. I am sensitive to the needs of my children. I have God's wisdom and discernment concerning how all my decisions affect their lives.
 I am loving, caring, and compassionate toward my children. I keep my cool during times of stress and do not become frustrated and lose my temper. If I do something that is wrong or offensive, I am quick to repent and make things right. Because I live a spirit-controlled life, I am peaceful, consistent and faithful. I walk in love at all times, and I am quick to provide encouragement and inspiration to my family. I refuse to criticize, condemn or complain to or about my kids. I will be honest and truthful and live my life with integrity. When faced with the need to discipline my children, I will do so without anger. I will reference God's Word as their standard of conduct.
 I will be steadfast and resolute regarding my convictions and will do my best to model the life of a godly mother before my kids. I will be faithful to pray for my children. With the help of the Holy Spirit I will do my best to mentor and instruct them in the truth and principles of God's Word.